Friday, January 9, 2009

Artist Statement

Societies Influences on Self Harm

As human beings, I believe our identity is composed of a layering of stories, those we retell about ourselves and those we overtime ascribe importance and value to.

This series of work is focused on the unorthodox methods children in the Jamaican inner cities between the ages twelve and seventeen perform to themselves as a means of finding comfort. This study was narrowed down to the middle and lower class children of Jamaica. I have found that this has been an issue that has been lingering for quite a while in the Jamaican society and has been overlooked by parents and guardians of these children.

This study is extremely significant, not only because it may be seen as a social commentary to parents, guardians or even teachers of these children, but also because it gives the wider public an idea of what children have been exposed to at a young age.

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